Thursday, May 3, 2007

FactCheck Education

I did remember how to create a link.

FactCheck Education

I wanted to share this information with everyone from which is an organization that checks facts for accuracy especially if it is information passed around by the media or the current administration. This organization checks the information and then expands on the information if it is accurate or tells why the information is not accurate. They have now just begun a FactCheckEd which I think is very interesting. At this moment I am not remembering how to create a link. Which is disappointing but I am putting the link here.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Paticipatory Culture - Media Education

This is a facinating article. This paper would work great for a professional learning community group to read and discuss over several months. There is so much to talk about in just the first 36 pages. Overall, I agree with the reports central goal that we have to move from thinking of technolgocal access as the main discussion and move to opportunities to participate in all forms of media technology and the cultural competencies and social skills needed to fully participate in the 21st century. The report makes me realize how the gap continues to grow between affluent families and higher poverty families in the areas of access, but also the complexity of technological skills that students will be expected to have. I know many of our ELL families do not have computers at home, so the only opportunities for these children may be at school or at a friend's house. Usually these two types of experiences do not allow for playing with technology and exploring in a leasurely fashion. I think powerful learning can take place when children have a chance to just explore and enjoy teaching themselves through discovery.
For all students a major goal of media education will have to be to teach children to make ethical choices as they create media, communicate with others and explore commericial sites.