Sunday, March 18, 2007

Blogs by Teachers

This was interesting checking out these blogs. I am at home so am using dreaded dial-up so I did not explore them in the depth I would have if I had been in town. I reviewed Have Fun with English 2. The author of the blog is a teacher in Portugal who teaches EFL. She has created English web based activities for her students. I tried one of the activities and it would be just right for the ELL I am tutoring. I also listened to one of the podcasts that her students created. Her blog seemed to be multifunctional. The blog provides students an active place to show what they know, practice their writing and stay in contact with their teacher even during holidays. This blog gave me several ideas on the use of podcasts.
The next blog I reviewed was Blue Skunk Blog and I read the article regarding Smart Boards plus the teacher's Biases and why he decided to create a blog. I responded to the Smart Board article. I could see checking Blue Skunk Blog to keep up with technology that teachers are using.
The last blog I checked out was Bud the Teacher. Bud's blog moved me into the Digital Immigrant mode. I checked out a few things on this site but did not understand some of the technology terms. I clicked on Drupal and explored this a bit but was not clear how to use it. This blog could provide resources for Language Arts teachers.
These blogs seem to provide a forum for discussion and sharing instructional ideas for teachers. For students they can interact with other students all over the world. Blogs create a purpose for writing for students. I think the podcasts are great also for students.

1 comment:

pkmccorkle said...

I reviewed Bud the Teacher's blog also. There is a lot on this blogspot. I, too, went into a few articles that were over my head; however, I just kept looking at his articles until I came to something that made sense to me and applied to my life. (But having been a previous high school English teacher, there was probably much more that I related to than if I had always been an elementary teacher....) Some of what is written about in English Journal Professional Journal can be used in elementary school with adaptations for their younger age.

Kathi M.